
Animal Talk helps people with their pets. Celebrity interviews, fun, skits, news, pet products, training tip, environmental issues, it’s all Animal Talk,  America’s Pet Show!

IMG_3447Jamie Flanagan and animal behaviorist, Brian Donovan, are here to help you with your pets.   Our intern Sam works the board and our social media. Throw in celebrity interviews, animal profiles, trivia questions, product giveaways, comedy skits, and most important of all, great listener interaction you then have a pet phenomenon not to be missed.


Past & Present Hosts and contributors:


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Hosts you will hear in the archives:

Brian Donovan
Jamie Flanagan
Sam Nork
Dr. Brad Davis
Mark Honas
Donna Fournier
Brian Barczyk @SnakeBytesTV
Dr. Trish Madesen (Bigwood)
Dr. Mark Alsager
Paula Fournier
Jason the Intern
Matt Fox
Roark Ferguson from the Reptile Safari (Roark passed in 2014. He was a great part of the show and a great friend to all animals. He will be missed.)